Top Tips for Making the Most of Cannes Lions Festival

The Cannes Lions Festival is just around the corner, and it's one of the most exciting events of the year for professionals in advertising, media, creative industries, marketing agencies, publishers, and brands. Whether you're a seasoned festival-goer or a first-timer, these tips will help you make the most of your experience.

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Embrace Spontaneity 😊

While it’s good to have a plan, don’t overdo it. Leave some room for spontaneity. You never know who you might meet on your way to an event or during a casual stroll along the Croisette. Some of the best connections and experiences happen when you least expect them.

Comfort is Key 👟

Cannes involves a lot of walking, and the combination of sunshine, rosé, and constant interaction can be draining. Wear comfortable shoes and bring a change – for both, shows and clothes. Ideally you have a day and a night outfit for each day, and for female attendees – don’t even bother bringing heels. Blister plasters are a must-have in your bag to keep your feet happy throughout the day.

Yacht Party Ready 🚤

If you’re lucky enough to be invited to a yacht party, remember that you can’t wear shoes on the boats. This means your footwear choice is one less thing to worry about when planning your outfit for the evening.

Boost Your Energy 💊

I can highly recommend bringing Berocca or similar energy boosters. They can be a real lifesaver, helping you kickstart your day after a late night of networking and festivities.

No Pass? No Problem! 📅

You don’t need an official pass to enjoy Cannes Lions. However, if you don’t have one, make sure to RSVP to as many events as possible. Many events have a closed-door policy for those who didn’t RSVP in advance, so plan ahead to keep your options open.

Recharge Your Social Batteries 😌

For introverts and neurodiverse folks, the constant stream of interactions can be overwhelming. It’s important to plan some “me time” breaks to recharge your social batteries. Find a quiet spot, take a breather, and then dive back into the excitement.

Late Night Networking 🌙

The Gutter Bar is the hotspot for late-night networking. It’s a place you can’t miss if you want to make valuable connections after hours. The atmosphere is lively, and you never know who you’ll bump into.

Stay Connected 🔋

A portable charger is essential. Your phone will be your lifeline for networking, navigating events, and staying in touch with new contacts. Make sure it’s always charged so you don’t miss any important opportunities.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate 💧

With all the excitement, it’s easy to forget to drink water. Staying hydrated is crucial to keeping your energy levels up and ensuring you feel your best throughout the festival.

Cannes Lions is an incredible experience, and these tips will help you make the most of it.

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