Cracking the Cannes Code: Spotlight on the Innovation Lion! 🚀

Unravel the Cannes Innovation Lion landscape, find out who took home the Grand Prix in 2022 and get the low down from the jury room to improve your entries.

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Navigating the shimmering waters of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity? It’s high time you sift through your past achievements and pinpoint those groundbreaking campaigns deserving of Cannes accolades.

Pondering which campaigns to prioritize? Get a glimpse of 2022 competition standards by delving into the illustrious Grand Prix winners to see how your work measures against them.

Especially for those contemplating the Innovation Lions, which celebrate ground-breaking innovation, technology and problem solving, this is your golden opportunity!

We’ve meticulously crunched the numbers, giving you a clearer view if your creative brilliance could shine brightest among the victors.

Key takeaways from Cannes Innovation Lions 2022:

  • Lion’s Gaze: The Innovation Lions celebrate ground-breaking innovation, technology and problem solving – and a dash of creativity never hurts an entry.
  • By the Numbers: Precise numbers of total submissions for the Innovation Lions remain elusive, but the sheer honor of reaching the shortlist cannot be overstated. Only a mere 14 campaigns from 9 countries graced this coveted list, spanning across 4 Innovation categories
  • Trophy Talk: 2022 saw merely 4 trophies in total handed out – the full spectrum from bronze to the grandeur of Grand Prix.

And the winner is..

The ultimate glory, the Grand Prix, found its home in Australia. Leo Burnett’s campaign for Suncorp Group, “One House to Save Many,” was the talk of the jury room. Their pioneering approach to conceptualizing a home resistant to Australia’s escalating extreme weather events – be it wildfires, floods, or cyclones – was nothing short of revolutionary.

Judges praised not only the resilience of these homes and their capability of solving a threatening problem, but also how Suncorp incorporated it into their daily business operations, from pricing to communications.
Hungry for a deep dive into the judge’s psyche? Unearth revelations from this B&T article.

Missed the Cannes Spotlight? We've Got Your Back! 🌟

If your entry didn’t shine as expected at Cannes, don’t lose heart. We offer two ways to elevate your Cannes game:

  • Free Review Call: Send us your unsuccessful Cannes case film, and we give you some feedback on where to improve for next year.
  • Cannes Services: Dive into services designed for your winning Cannes experience. 🏆🌟

Take the Leap! Book your free review call or discover how our Cannes services can transform your next submission.  Let’s co-create Cannes magic together!

Ready to roar at Cannes?

Check out our Cannes Lions services to make your pre-submission life a lot easier.

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